20Something and Surviving

Quarter Life Crisis: Round 2

Last week was dominated by the flooding of the KZN south coast and World Refugee day. It was both work related but I am continuously surprised by Human stories.

I have posted previously about this but nothing compares to raw human emotion in the face adversity. The floods made me realize that every one is susceptible to tragedy irrespective of their social standing.

I spent last Friday with a group of foreign nationals, great guys, who were all now trying to secure a living in our country. All were legal immigrants and all were disgusted by the recent going-ons in this country. They also all had one message that they wanted to get across: We Are Africans Too.

Friday also saw the launch of the Orange ribbon campaign that is meant as a way to create awareness around anti racism campaigns.

I do not see how wearing a ribbon change human nature but I remain hopeful that it is just a sort of branding material to easily identify the cause. Much like the pink and red ribbons used for Cancer and AIDS respectively. It is admirable. However that people have decided to do something rather than look on and click their tongues or shake their head in disapproval yet do nothing.

Okay… that over, my week was also dominated by graduation and celebration. Graduation was kind of bittersweet for me as it made me realize how far I had come from that kid four years ago. So much has happened, not all bad, and I think it has made me an entirely different person. Not one that I would have liked a few years ago but I ma very comfortable with the person that I have become even though I may not be happy with some of the decisions I have made.

I’m told its all a part of the growing process. Graduation also made me face what I already knew: I am not happy in my current job. Now, I know that everyone says that, But I ma truly not in a good space at the moment and I am seriously toying with the idea of leaving. It’s not so much the career choice itself because I still have the desire but I just feel that at the moment I am not being challenged enough. I am bored. And I don’t like being bored.

My Gran used to say that only lazy people with small brains are bored. I am not one of those people or at least I aspire to be something better. I hate being told that I am still young and have plenty of time to make these decisions. That’s not true. I look around and see everyone else moving on in some sort of forward direction but I seem to be stagnating.

I don’t know. But what I do know is that I will have to make a decision soon. And it may not be one that the kid of four or maybe even a year ago would have liked.

June 24, 2008 Posted by | decisions, Graduation, growing up, orange ribbon, quarter life crisis | 4 Comments